The New Artist has arrived!

Hello world!

This is Sierra Rasberry. You may already know my incredible mother Debra if you have made it to this site. I’ve spent my life watching her help hundreds of women (and many men!) transform their lives for the better. I’m honored to say that I’m finally stepping into the footsteps of her work by taking over the Permanent Makeup side of her business.

My mother has spent the last 20 years sharing all of her beauty secrets with her clients to help them become the best versions of themselves. Its an incredible journey for me to be witness to so much development and transformation. Mom is now embarking on transitioning her role with this business from doing outside transformations to helping clients transform their minds through NLP sessions. It has been absolutely astounding what a difference I’ve personally experienced between my relationship with her due to how much she has recalibrated her own thinking with these techniques. I’ve always loved and cherished her dearly, but now we are closer than ever!

As my mom begins doing more and more NLP sessions, the permanent makeup business is now being taken over by me! I remember back when I was about 15 years old and being an assistant to her procedures. My stubborn self said “I’ll never be in the beauty industry!” I had to prove my independence by going off and deciding on my own what I thought would be best…

After graduating from Louisiana Tech University with a bachelor’s in architecture, I was in love and wanted to move off Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and make a life on my own. I’ve always been extremely passionate as an artist, and specialized in female portraiture. I spent about 7 years being engrossed in the art scene of South Florida and have hundreds of incredible stories and experiences to share, but I was realizing slowly how much my home in Louisiana and my family really meant to me. I moved back to Louisiana due to covid and my relationship had ended, but now I’m happier than ever to have the privilege to take over this part of my mom’s business.

I feel so honored to work on clients that have known me and my family over the years. I find the art of permanent makeup so much more fulfilling artistically than I assumed back when I was a teenager. Every face is unique, every client’s personality, their stories—it’s all so much fun and challenging (in the best of ways) for me to interact with. I see every woman as so beautiful and strong, and I hope that my interactions with them allow them to see that in themselves too. I have big shoes to fill, but I am ready!


The Icing and the Cake

I am a transformer. I help people transform their bodies, souls, and minds.

My experience has been in aesthetics, the icing, specializing in all things related to beauty. As a permanent cosmetics artist, I’ve worked on thousands of people, creating a more visually pleasing image of their features, concentrating on balance and symmetry.

My passion for beauty began at an early age when I became aware of how people positively changed when they viewed themselves as being more attractive and also how others treated them. It is the powerful “Halo” effect, and it’s real, and it got my attention at a very early age.

Changing a person’s appearance by assisting them in losing weight, getting a new style, and possibly various cosmetic procedures have been rewarding ventures. However, life-changing transformation occurs when a person becomes aware of their true identity.

My passion for TotalTransformationsNLP” now is taking beauty to the ultimate level, the level of self-actualization. Once a person realizes who they really are, they experience a level of confidence that creates joy. True beauty is far more than skin deep. Clearing limiting beliefs and negative emotions are foundational to become the best version of yourself.

There is a multitude of lifestyle coaches that have a specific niche or specialty, like financial, fitness, etc., specialty backgrounds. My background is aesthetics, personal image, and beauty. Believe it or not, Self Actualization and Beauty do not have to be oil and vinegar.

My business is “TotalTransformationsNLP,” which focuses on the whole person, the icing and the cake. I help you love yourself. ♥️


🎼 Jimmy Cliff ”I can see clearly now.“

I wrote this originally as a Facebook Post but thought it important to share here as well.

Just as everything in life grows, so does our connection with our soul. My NLP Master Practitioner training course focused on the subconscious mind, which sparked the curiosity of awareness as to what I was thinking about, how often I thought about certain things, and the visual images that were attached to my thoughts.

Right away, I began to pay closer attention to my present “state” and learned I could choose and change “THAT” into whatever desired “state” I wished, easily, using NLP strategies. Becoming aware of my consciousness thus effects the evolution of my soul. Observation in itself changes matter.

It’s ironic that I was raised with extreme, spiritually enlightened, anointed parents who taught and lived a similar dogma. However, due to my own personal limiting beliefs. I chose NOT to hear the message and fought fiercely for my own idea of “balance.“⚖️

Never yield—was my motto AND... Oh, yes, payback is HELL-OL!

Alanis Morissette 🎼 singing “Isn’t it Ironic” as I type.

Albeit, science ( NLP) has been my vehicle, my delivery system to a new realization of Christ, and “Oneness,” I stumbled like a newborn colt. However, with God’s grace, I was standing in new revelation and bliss by way of neurological calculus. Which led, ultimately, to my “Awakeness.” The spiritual morning has happened. I am loving awareness.

🎼Cat Stevens is now singing ( Mourning ), “Morning has broken.”🏜

Similar to the Apostle Thomas, I had a highly critical factor- 🧠 I needed a different perspective, an alternate path to waking up. Through daily meditation, my conscious mind and subconscious mind married, they became in rapport in alignment and were centered. After about two weeks for 30 minutes, two times per day of meditating, I changed. Lucid dreams and learnings revealed truths with great clarity. It’s a “THING!”

Oh, AND total forgiveness, a realization of the love of Christ, chill, “Let go ness,” and Zero guilt-have been -automatic sign-on bonuses. It’s much better than any Benzo or pill could ever be. Here are some of my other learnings:

# 1 God wants more God, and evolving into this expands our universe. Thus, we were created.

#2 Our purpose is joy. We must find JOY, even in contrast. We do this by trusting and allowing. Having faith is a universal law. This is the God state. When we do the opposite, relying on our senses, we choose to stay in a low vibration state, of being a weak “human.” This state is cruel and constantly tested with contrast, which easily slips into fear, lack, regret, and doubt.

#3 Humans should strive to be Christlike 🙏 , and the gospels are a “blueprint” guide for man to follow and rise above this human data apparatus. God is love!

And the beat goes on!

Toby Mac 🎼” I was made to love”❤️

The Art of Victimhood

When I was 6 years old, I went on a 3,000-mile car trip with my mom, dad, sister Becky, and grandmother, Mamaw Audie Brown. Dad drove 95 to 100 miles per hour for countless hours on endless highways in his gigantic yacht-like Cadillac. No safety belts or cell phones in those days. Good times!

Mamaw Audie, whom I adored, would tell me and my sister ghost stories in the back seat. Mom was Audie’s only child and we always felt we belonged to her. She was a young and sassy grandmother to us, although she had experienced a harsh and cruel childhood herself.

When she was 6 years old, she was in an accident where she lost her leg from a gunshot wound. Shortly after the accident, her mother died while giving birth to her baby brother. She was poor, an orphan and handicapped, all by the age of six. All of this trauma somehow made her the best grandmother in the world.

I was always comfortable with Mamaw as she would take her leg on and off as needed. I grew up watching her navigate her prosthesis. From my perspective, having only one leg never stopped her from doing anything. She was confident, well-spoken, and strong. She fished, gardened, and, had she not been raised at the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home, I’m sure would have danced. This is how I saw her. She was never a victim.

Meanwhile, on the trip, Dad would stop every few hours for us to use the restrooms and make us run and stretch. Then, he would buy enough sweets and junk food to induce a group diabetic coma, which was a mandatory tradition for all Fluitt road trips. When we finally reached New York City and got settled in our hotel room, it felt like a different world coming from Louisiana; skyscrapers in a concrete jungle.

Mamaw Audie had not traveled much in her life, so this was a new experience for her as well. We took off on foot to sightsee and stroll around near the Empire State Building. While walking down the street, Mamaw held me and my sisters’ hands tightly. Forty-five years old, wearing bright red lipstick and a belted dressed, Mamaw was beautiful and fierce. We had zero fear when she was near us.

To our surprise, we encountered our first openly homeless beggar. Mamaw was accosted by this man who was on crutches. He looked pitiful, unshaven, disheveled, and was wearing shorts that exposed his amputation. He said to her, “Lady, can you give me some money?” Mamaw ignored him and kept walking. I said “Mamaw, why don’t you help that poor man? Please give him some money. He only has one leg.” I guess I pushed her “Tilt” button with that statement. Mamaw turned back towards the homeless beggar and gave him a speech that I will never forget.

She nailed “Victimhood” clearly and schooled him for 10 minutes, hardly taking a breath, on how pathetic he was for utilizing his handicap as a parasite to society. Little did this beggar know that Mamaw had a prosthetic herself. She hiked up her dress high on the right side and thumped her wooden leg saying, “Losing a leg is no excuse. Get a job! You just approached the wrong sucker!” He replied, “Damn, Lady, I just asked for some money, not a speech.” Her famous last words to him, as we walked away were, “Don’t like my peaches, don’t shake my tree!”

I had never seen wrath come out of my beloved grandmother like this. It was an indelible memory that led to an awareness of the “Art of Victimhood,” which is kryptonite to man’s true divine purpose; a treasured learning.

Thanks, Mamaw!


Most people I know live their lives in “Duality“ consciousness. I knew what the word duality meant, however, never had I pondered it. Duality thinking is an “us vs. them“ syndrome. It’s viewing “Self” as SEPARATE. It smells of a self-righteous judgmental view and leads to the inflexibility to see another’s perspective other than your own.

This is a bacterium that, once it matures, leads into victim hood mentality, which in turn crushes the notion of realizing your own Divinity. It’s easier to keep limiting beliefs than it is to ghostbust the established old nature. The old man feels comfortable and safe.

Great suffering is usually a catalyst that can lead to a spiritual awakening which can cause a change in beliefs. Only by the grace of God do I see God in a new way. I’m grasping a new paradigm philosophy of mind that totally makes sense to me, and the fruit is “Joy.”

Through suffering, my beliefs matured and evolved. I stepped out of victim hood and became fearless. I’m in gratitude for this grace. “Dualism” is the belief that mind and body are in some categorical way SEPARATE from each other, and that mental phenomena are, in some respects, non-physical in nature.

I began testing my own limiting beliefs after studying personal development and, by doing so, it led me to go soul searching. Learning about the subconscious mind and the power of thought caused me to deduce that everything was within. I discovered that the vehicle for traveling to the “Within” is “meditation.”

Jesus said, while being crucified, “The Kingdom is within.” Getting still and focusing on breath with no thought allows the conscious mind and subconscious mind to marry. Words are inadequate to describe the revelations that were downloaded when I first began meditating regularly. When I first became present in the moment, as I listened to my heart beat, I felt an immediate calmness and the awareness became ineffable. Then came the feeling and knowing of “Oneness;” Non-Duality.

The fruit of this transformed me. I had seriously fought spirituality my entire life. I had identified as a proud materialist. As I began meditating daily, the Rubik’s cube of my mind began lining up to a clarity I had never experienced. I have seen a paradox in this reality. In the word itself, “Non-duality vs. Duality,” we have a physical body; however, we are not our bodies. There is only one“Isness.”

Most of us are deluded with the illusion of Separateness. “No man is an island.” Everything is connected through the “Isness.” As I tapped into the understanding of “Non-duality” and Self, I realized my Divinity.  The clarity of thought that the “I Am” God Is Awareness, is Infinite intelligence, is Consciousness, and is the “One” unified whole of existence which encompasses everything includes me. That means that there is nowhere “Is” is not.

This was a non-dual Epiphany. Logic cannot grasp Non-duality. Only through meditation and self- reflection can our human mind take this truth as truth. I saw my “Self” as a concept, a concept in the mind of God, a thought that thinks, thus creating expansion for the pleasure of the All.

Mind chatter preoccupies the self with the past and future which is illusory except as a memory or imagination. Living in the present awareness allows you to enter into reality which is timeless. I see time through a new lens, maybe rose-colored compared to the cloudy cataracts that have been removed from my old self.

Learning to live in the timeless whilst still being aware of linear time is a gift. My desire is to stay unentangled with the deception of separateness and to savor this brief incarnation in “joy.” Consciously, I’m choosing to appreciate my senses and live in the moment. Sharing these realizations with others who are ready excites me and, for many, will end suffering.

~ Debra Rasberry

My Awakening--The Deconstruction Process

Those who know me know that I have changed so much over the past two years. I think this is important to share with those following my work because it is a huge part of why I decided to rebrand my business.

2018 was the year of “deconstruction.” There is a difference between growing up and waking up. Tearing down my cherished beliefs and everything I thought about myself was a ride through hell. It has been a process of facing shadows. This hellish path required journeying through the “Shadowlands.” This is where I came face-to-face with false ideas of “self.”

I lived in a perpetual cognitive dissonance justifying the most absurd things. I constantly lied to myself ... and believed it. I learned that beliefs are only thoughts that one continues to think; and how valuable my thoughts are. Realizing and learning that there are but two energies, which are Love or Fear, has changed me.

God is love. “Fear” is the oxygen of the Shadowland; however, faith can penetrate this veil which can then allow courage to conquer the stifling shadows. Ghostbusting shadows requires face-to-face embracement of fear and false ideas. Love, courage, discernment, and brutal self-honesty lead to freedom, growth, and true identity. If you’re ready to embark on a similar journey, let TTNLP be your guide. ~ DR

“I woke up only to find the rest of the world still sleeping.” ~ LD

2019, I’m awake.


Understanding NLP: Myths and Misconceptions

To many people, the term NLP ( NeuroLinguistic Programming) sounds a bit intimidating, esoteric, maybe even spooky. In reality, it is none of these.

NLP is a scientific concept based on the notion of understanding our behavioral models. Simply stated, an individual's behavioral models are a product of his or her experiences. Through our experiences, we develop a system and form values, beliefs, attitudes, memories, and emotions. These various attributes make up our personality and dwell in the subconscious mind.

Our subconscious mind is like a hard drive and contains the akashic data of every thought, word, and deed collected via our five senses since birth, or even before birth. Our conscious mind can't contain, handle, or operate this enormous amount of data.

Through a filtration system, we delete, distort, and generalize the mega chunks of data. The filters are created by the data of the subconscious mind, which skews the conscious mind; thus, molds our world view. This is the meaning of "Perception is Projection."

Our individual world view controls "How" we act, react, and interact with other people and the world and "How" we model behavior. All behavioral models involve processes which become a program, most of which are unconscious.

NLP techniques help to create an awareness of how to recognize "How" we connect the unconscious processes and programs to our conscious thought. This marriage between the conscious and subconscious directly affects our everything; beliefs, behaviors, feelings, and emotions, etc. Epigenetics is the conception of this marriage.

Sometimes, old programs need an update. Our filters are like cataracts over the lens of the conscious mind that create limiting beliefs, limiting decisions, and negative emotions. Learning "How" a person processes is the first step for radical change. Excellence can be modeled!

Creating clarity by adjusting the lens of my 'client’s' perceptions is my intention and mission as a Master NLP practitioner. It's time to Update. Reboot. Upgrade!

~Debra Rasberry


Meditation for Beginners: 4 Tips for Mindful Meditation

Before I get to meditation for beginners, I want to share with you a little about my journey. As many of you know, I have specialized in aesthetics for the past 20 years. From permanent cosmetics to cosmetic surgery, weight loss to life coaching for image, I am passionate about all things beauty related.

I traveled the world as a beauty consultant utilizing these specialties, creating a niche before it was even a thing.

About 15 years ago, I changed the name of my business to “Total Transformations” after becoming more interested in the whole person rather than only the exterior superficial shell.

Today, I am taking this even further, helping my clients change their limiting beliefs and become their authentic selves through a one-of-a-kind cocktail of NLP, RRT, meditation, and much more. When teaching meditation in Monroe, there are no ‘one-size-fits’ ways to go about it. Now, my practice is TotalTransfromationsNLP.

I do have some tips on meditation for beginners that will help you get started.

What is Meditation?

One of the most common questions I get is: “How do I meditate?” Many people believe that meditation is sacrilegious or is only for Middle Eastern monks. This is far from the truth.

Meditation is a simple practice that helps you transform your mind. It enables you to build focus, find clarity, control anxiety, and enhance self-awareness. Other benefits include more creativity and decreased stress. It is practiced by people all over the world, including Christians. The goal is to get to no thought.

Learning to meditate is just like any other skill. It takes practice and patience. Because there are so many types of meditation, it is also something that you will personalize along the way. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Step One: Find a Comfortable Place to Meditate

One challenging thing about meditation in Monroe and other smaller cities is that finding a place to meditate outside of the house can be difficult. Although a little creativity may be required, you don’t have to go anywhere special to practice mindful meditation.

Find a spot in your home or yard that is quiet and comfortable. Anywhere that you can sit or lie down without interruption will work. Some people carve out separate spaces in their house for meditation while others sit on the floor, lay in their bed, or post up beside a tree outside.

Step Two: Relax Your Body and Mind

One of the things that a lot of newbies don’t realize is that meditation should be fun and relaxing! It shouldn’t feel like a chore.

Before you get into position, make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing. You can light candles, turn on a fan, put on headphones, an eye mask, or dim the lights. It is totally up to you! Remember -- comfort is key! Try to forget all of your worries by focusing only on your breathing. The whole point of meditation is to quiet your mind.

Step Three: Set Your Timer and Get into Position

I tell my clients who want to learn about meditation in Monroe or by Skype/Facetime that learning to meditate is like building a muscle. It’s okay to start small. Set a timer for 10 minutes or choose a guided meditation that is short in length. Get into a comfortable position and prepare to meditate.

Step Four: Time to Meditate

Now you are ready! There are two ways to go about this. The first is to follow a guided meditation on an app or your phone. This is great meditation for beginners, but eventually you’ll want to try out other ways to reach ‘no thought.’

Here’s one approach:

Sit or lie down with your spine straight. Close your eyes and relax your mind and body. Focus on your breathing and take a deep breath in while counting, 1...2...3... and so on. As you breathe, push your stomach out slowly, filling it with air. When you feel full, exhale, and restart the counting. Repeat this over and over until your timer sounds.

As thoughts come to your mind, acknowledge them, and then push them away or simply imagine them floating away down a stream. As you go to ‘no thought,’ your body will relax more and more, and your mind will become clear. With repetitive practice, many of the benefits I mentioned above will start to appear, and you will notice a transition in your life. A total transformation!

If you would like to learn more about meditation in Monroe, NLP, RRT, or any of the other services I offer, please reach out by e-mail at

I would love to help you along your journey!

—Debra Rasberry